Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Too Bad You Can't Fix Stupid

Ever notice how some people react when backed into a corner?
When they're caught doing or saying something that they didn't want to be caught at?
When they're called out for something they didn't want others to even know?
Not even necessarily something they shouldn't be doing.
They just didn't want anyone to know they were doing it.

People who are the most guilty always get the most defensive.
Often, the more they talk, the stupider they get.

They're often quick to pick a person's weak spot or flaw and try to shift focus to that, or hurt that person with their nasty words.
Maybe they'll choose something they think is a physical flaw and poke fun at that person using it as a basis.
Could be a person's appearance, such as a long nose, big feet, or their weight, all the while overlooking the fact that they have their own flaws such as crooked teeth, bad complexion, or a nasty personality.

Folks, there's not a perfect person on this earth. That's a fact. What you think is your best feature may well be what someone else thinks is your worst.
For instance, maybe you're always flashing that big smile that you think is beautiful and when someone else looks at you all they see is the fact that there has been no budget for orthodontics in your life.
Maybe you think you look great in your skinny jeans but people behind you are noticing your mismatched hips.
That's just the way it is. Always has been. Always will be. Everybody is not going to like you or everything about you.

But you know what amazes me the most?
How childish all that is.
It's as if these adults never left Junior High.
Reality and the truth has a way of bringing out a person's true personality.
What a shame that they don't have the intelligence to keep their nasty thoughts to themselves.
It's really just too bad you can't fix stupid.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I'm A Lucky Guy

Barb went out in the rain this afternoon and picked me some roses from our yard. She says there's a dozen if you count the buds. I love her! Not often the husband gets the bouquet. I'm a lucky guy.

I Wouldn't Change A Thing About You

For my wonderful wife. I love you Barb.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

She Showed Me!

Wow, Shelley, you deleted me as a facebook friend.
You really showed me!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Happy Birthday To My Wonderful Wife

This is about as close as it gets to putting my feelings for Barb into words.
I love you Barb, all this and more.
Happy Birthday!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I Love Her So Much

I love Barb so much that it can't even be measured.
That's it.
There are no words for how I feel.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Our Hearts Are In Sync

Our family doctor is a very busy man. He sees close to two hundred patients a week, therefore, so does his staff. He's been our doctor for over 25 years and I give him a lot of credit for taking great care of us.
He's better than just good. No wonder he has such a huge practice. Even at that, we never feel rushed and he never fails to answer all of our questions and ask if we have more before leaving the room. He has one nurse that has been with him as long as we have and one that's been there just a few years. Other than the office staff for the entire practice, and the lab people, those three do it all.
Barb and I had routine visits with him earlier this week. The newer nurse was taking our vitals. She commented that our heart rates were the same. She went on to say that she had only had that happen one other time and guess what, it was us that time too! She said she had told Doc and the other nurse about it and wondered if it was because we are so in love. They both said, of course it is, no one is more in love than those two!
I never really thought about it before, but I guess it shows. I know I have seen couples who were obviously not in love. I know there's different kinds of love and people show it in different ways, but some people are just obviously not happy, sometimes even angry looking and act that way towards their mate. I guess every marriage and every relationship doesn't have to be great. But unless it's at least good, why stay in it? I can tell you from experience, it's not healthy.
I feel lucky to have Barb in my life and to be so in love with her. So, come to think of it, Doc was right, and it's no big surprise~~ our hearts are in sync!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Be Careful Of Stones That You Throw

Some people are just plain nosey. They make other people's lives their business when they have no connection whatsoever to them. These individuals make accusations without any knowledge. Often, they don't even personally know the person they are gossiping about. And I'm sure that they are not without faults of their own. Why is it people want to make MY business theirs?

Maybe they should take a lesson from an old Hank Williams Sr. song. Here's a couple of lines from it. Look it up, or say the magic word, please, and I'll do it for you and post it. It may hit home for you.

Really, people, get a life.

A tongue can accuse and carry bad news the seeds of distrust it will sow

But unless you've made no mistakes in your life be careful of stones that you throw.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I Love My Wife And I Love My Life

Our 31st wedding anniversary is November 24th. That's this coming Tuesday. I can't believe how fast 31 years has gone by. But I CAN believe how happy I am that I married my wife, Barbara. I think she's the reason the time has passed so quickly. She has made my life so incredibly good that time just flies by.

Now, if you all want to hear about roses are red and violets are blue, you'll have to read somewhere else. That's not what this is about. It's about a man that loves his wife more than words can express. I would never have made it this far in life without her.

Barbara is the most intelligent person I've ever known. She's also the most kind and loving person I've ever known and I just never could have lived this long without her. She makes every day WORTH living. I wish I could come up with the right words to describe how deeply I love her. I have been in love with her for more than half of my life and I find it amazing that I still love her more every day.

The most important thing is, she's my very best friend. Over the past 31 years there has never been a day that I haven't thought about how lucky I am to have her as my wife. She is the best thing that ever happened to me. She changed my life. Together we are perfect.

She constantly shows me unconditional love and just looking at her is enough to make me happy. Not once have I ever doubted my love for her or her love for me.

Happy anniversary, Barb, I love you and I hope we have 31 more. I will enjoy spending the rest of my life with you.