Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Too Bad You Can't Fix Stupid

Ever notice how some people react when backed into a corner?
When they're caught doing or saying something that they didn't want to be caught at?
When they're called out for something they didn't want others to even know?
Not even necessarily something they shouldn't be doing.
They just didn't want anyone to know they were doing it.

People who are the most guilty always get the most defensive.
Often, the more they talk, the stupider they get.

They're often quick to pick a person's weak spot or flaw and try to shift focus to that, or hurt that person with their nasty words.
Maybe they'll choose something they think is a physical flaw and poke fun at that person using it as a basis.
Could be a person's appearance, such as a long nose, big feet, or their weight, all the while overlooking the fact that they have their own flaws such as crooked teeth, bad complexion, or a nasty personality.

Folks, there's not a perfect person on this earth. That's a fact. What you think is your best feature may well be what someone else thinks is your worst.
For instance, maybe you're always flashing that big smile that you think is beautiful and when someone else looks at you all they see is the fact that there has been no budget for orthodontics in your life.
Maybe you think you look great in your skinny jeans but people behind you are noticing your mismatched hips.
That's just the way it is. Always has been. Always will be. Everybody is not going to like you or everything about you.

But you know what amazes me the most?
How childish all that is.
It's as if these adults never left Junior High.
Reality and the truth has a way of bringing out a person's true personality.
What a shame that they don't have the intelligence to keep their nasty thoughts to themselves.
It's really just too bad you can't fix stupid.

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