Friday, November 20, 2009

Be Careful Of Stones That You Throw

Some people are just plain nosey. They make other people's lives their business when they have no connection whatsoever to them. These individuals make accusations without any knowledge. Often, they don't even personally know the person they are gossiping about. And I'm sure that they are not without faults of their own. Why is it people want to make MY business theirs?

Maybe they should take a lesson from an old Hank Williams Sr. song. Here's a couple of lines from it. Look it up, or say the magic word, please, and I'll do it for you and post it. It may hit home for you.

Really, people, get a life.

A tongue can accuse and carry bad news the seeds of distrust it will sow

But unless you've made no mistakes in your life be careful of stones that you throw.

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